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Help us prepare your reservation by measuring your exact shoe size.

Posted on 05/11/2016 , updated on 16/09/2022
You are about to book your equipment for your upcoming holidays in Les Menuires. And you have chosen our store, Ski Top, at the foot of the slopes, in La Croisette.

But one question is bothering you: your size varies according to the brands of dress shoes... what size should you give to the store so that it puts aside the right pair?

Don't worry: we'll give you the method!
Your foot needs a little attention. You will see, it will pay you back once on the slopes of Les Menuires.

The characteristics of your foot that we need are the following:

Its length
Its width
Its arch of the foot

If you do not have time to take these measurements, you will only have to enter your shoe size when booking. We will check with you in store.

And if you have a few free minutes, let's measure it all!
Bring a pencil, a sheet of A4 paper, and a ruler.

1 - Put the sheet of paper on the ground, against a wall, and put your foot on the sheet, heel against the wall. This method eliminates the need to trace the heel.

2 - Ideally, have someone else trace your foot. If you do this, leaning over will change your support and risk distorting the measurement.
It is important not to press the pencil perpendicular to your foot. The diagram below for better understanding:

Draw the imprint on the longest finger as accurately as possible.
In the same way, trace the inside and outside of your foot.
It is not necessary to trace the heel part.

3 - Then flip the sheet over and repeat for your 2nd foot. It is very rare to have 2 feet of the same measurements.

4 - Now take a ruler and draw the lines on the sheet, as in the drawing above. For the measurements to be very precise, the lines must be well parallel and perpendicular.

5 - And now measure!
If you measure in centimeters, note the millimeters as well. You will send us information of the type: 24.4cm (or if you prefer 244mm).

Per foot, you therefore have 2 measurements: the length (on the longest toe), and the width.

6 - Last feature, the arch of the foot. You cannot measure it.
But you may know its specificity. Then give us your comment: flat feet, arched feet, very arched feet...
If you don't know, it's probably never been a problem for you: and in this case, it won't be a problem for us either!

7 - In the "Comment" area of ??your booking you will note your readings.
Example below:

That's it, you're done! This work is what we do in store, when you come to try on a shoe. Our means are different, but it is these measurements that allow us to select the right shoe for your foot type.

At Ski Top, we prepare your reservations before you arrive in Les Menuires. If you do this specific job when making your reservation, we will be able to assign you the right pair of boots, to ski in complete comfort. This is all the more important during periods of high traffic.

And of course, if you want to change your shoes during your stay, it is quite possible. Take advantage of a store open from 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., at the foot of the slopes!

See you soon at Ski Top les Menuires!




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